From the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, new resources for the protection of Natura 2000 sites

The goal of Triton's LIFE A-MAR project is to promote active participation in the conservation of biodiversity...

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Burlando: “The main objective of the project is to promote active and informed citizen participation in the conservation of biodiversity.”

A year ago, the European Commission approved the Life A-mar Natura 2000 project, aiming to adequately inform the public about the existence of marine sites included in the Natura 2000 network along the Mediterranean coasts of various countries. The goal is to encourage appropriate behaviors that are more respectful and geared towards more effective protection of the extraordinary natural capital present in our seas.

An effort that now sees the Tuscan Archipelago National Park at the forefront. With its 18 Natura 2000 sites, including 6 marine sites, the park has decided to co-finance the four-year Life A-Mar Natura2000 project.

“The main objective of the project – as explained by the Park’s director, Maurizio Burlando – is to promote active and informed citizen participation in the protection of biodiversity within the marine sites of the Natura 2000 network. This will be achieved through raising awareness among specific user groups of the sea regarding the existence, location, characteristics, and importance of these sites. Additionally, it aims to promote eco-sustainable behaviors in their use, engage citizens in understanding and monitoring the marine environment, and enhance communication and recognition. This initiative, coordinated by Federparchi, will provide opportunities to exchange and share best practices with other partners, including the National Parks of Asinara and Cinque Terre.”



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