32 sec to read, 131 words
On May 22nd, World Biodiversity Day is celebrated: what better date to open the season of Triton’s photography contests? After receiving numerous photographs in previous years, these anticipated third editions are expected to be highly participated.

“Deep Blue” by LIFE Conceptu Maris is aimed at those who venture into the open sea and have the opportunity to photograph the giants of the sea, namely whales and sperm whales, but also dolphins and sea turtles.
The LIFE Conceptu Maris photo contest, 2024 edition
“Life Among the Reef” by LIFE Pinna is dedicated to those who, while snorkeling or exploring the coastline, manage to capture the beauty of the biodiversity found in the Mediterranean, even just steps away from the shore.
Photo contest, 2024 edition
There’s time until September 22, 2024, to submit your images!